D-18 & D-20 Taper Bearing Intermediate Shaft Upgrade

This is a kit that is meant to both make your Transfercase much more quiet, as well as stronger (by means of eliminating the point of major wear that causes early failure and weakness in the stock design). It does however require your intermediate gear to be machined, we offer this process as well.

The taper bearing kit can be added to virtually any D-18 and D-20 for $300.


  • D-18 Transfercase
  • D-20 Transfercase
  • Stock gears (New or Used)
  • Tera-Low gears (Or other similar aftermarket)
  • Transfercases with overdrives
  • Both 1 1/8 & 1 1/4 inch shaft/case sizes

-Taper Bearing Intermediate Shaft Kit (either size 1 1/8 or 1 1/4): $160

Including: Timken bearings and races, Special machined shaft, Special machined collar spacer, O-rings, Nut to secure shaft, and Washer.

-D-18/20 Intermediate gear special machining process (needed to accept races for the kit to work, through us or elsewhere): $150

Machining should take about 1 week time to completed, and is able to be done with either new or used intermediate gear regardless of tooth count for the D-18 and D-20.

This kit is made by Advance Adapters and is of very good quality, we have installed many of them and praise the functionality.

We offer this upgrade option to any D-18/20 transfercase we rebuild as well, at no additional labor charge to install. INCLUDING 27t 1 1/8 transfercases set up to fit against the T-84 for $1500. $700 core charge.